Management team

Fredrik Hellström
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

PhD, fluid dynamics and MSc, Naval architect. Previously FMV with extensive experience in naval design and large scale project management. Joined Echandia in 2021.

Magnus Eriksson
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)

MSc Naval architect, founder, submarine expert (FMV), expert in energy solutions for heavy-duty applications.

Göran Fransson
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)

More than 25 years of experience in business development and leadership in the maritime industry. Backgrund from Alfa Laval, Trident BMC and Roxtec. Joined Echandia in 2022.

Berit Hanson Landberg
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Background in finance and a proven history of working in the construction industry. Skills in business planning, coaching, accounting, leadership and project management.
